
Hello, property manager!

Optimize and save time in the management of your residential and commercial communities.


With Munily you get the following benefits

Automate the sending of account statements massively

Send to your residents timely reminders for the monthly fee payment

Communicate with residents and guards efficiently and in one place

Manage the PQRS of your community

Do you want to improve the administration of your residential communities with Munily?

Testimonials from our administrators

Liliany - Cantabria V

Munily is a tool that has been of great support for administrators, security guards, and residents. It is very useful and effective since it can provide an immediate response to residents; In addition, the management of visitor income is fast and safe.

Laura Becerra - River Place BAQ

The Munily platform has been a practical tool for co-ownership, especially for the watchmen who can have a daily record of the packages that arrive, in case something happens, we have the history. We can manage the reservations of the common areas, now with a new functionality of PCCS it has reduced my work.

Success story - Administrators

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communities throughout Latin America!

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